巴赫被譽為音樂史上最偉大的作曲家之一,但我們對他作為即興演奏家的作品知之甚少,在他的時代,他因為能針對特定主題創作 3、4 或 5 聲部賦格曲而聞名。烏克蘭出生、現居紐約的鋼琴家亞歷普洛尼 (Alex Pryrodny) 的畢生目標是研究巴赫的音樂及其在即興創作中的應用,以獨特的方式融合巴洛克複音技巧及當代音樂風格。 Alex年初在屏東演藝廳錄製最新專輯《Bachprovisations》,這次要為觀眾帶來上半場以巴赫前奏曲即興創作,下半場由觀眾提出主題互動的演出。
J.S. Bach is celebrated all over the world as one of greatest composers in the history of music - but we know much less about his output as an improviser famous among his contemporaries for his ability to create a 3, 4 or 5 voice fugue on a given theme. Ukraine-born and New York based pianist Alex Pryrodny made it his lifelong goal to study the music of Bach and its application to improvisation with a unique blend of Baroque polyphonic techniques and contemporary music styles. Alex is returning to the hall of the Pingtung Performing Arts Center where he recorded his latest album “Bachprovisations” in order to present a thoughtful and interactive program featuring improvisations on Bach Preludes and in the 2nd half - themes from the audience.
1st half:
Improvisations on J.S. Bach Preludes and Fugues.
2nd half:
Improvisations on themes from the audience.